I guess you could say I’ve been involved in-kitchen remodel projects quite often in my life. At this very minute my husband is finishing the drywall in our living room, and will soon be painting it. While it’s great to see the finished product, the process can be very messy.
There are a few electrical tasks that a non-expert can do around the home. One is replacing a light switch. After you turn off the electricity and remove the cover plate, detach the wires on the old switch and replace them in the same order on the new switch.
If you can afford it, go for hard wood floors and stay away from laminate. Although laminate might look real and be easy to clean, you cannot refinish it. In a decade, perhaps two, you can hand the home down to a new owner and you want them to be appreciative of the work performed.
Keep your home smelling scented and fresh by making your own potpourri sachets. Buy some little jewelry organza bags and fill them with store bought potpourri. To boost the scent, pour some aromatherapy oils on top. Display them in different areas of your home to create a nice and scented environment.
Keep your young children safe by padding the corners of your furniture. You can do this with either corner protectors or foam tape. Also, make sure that all loose wires are secure to avoid the chance that your child could be strangled by it.
A luggage rack can be recycled into a stylish, inexpensive end table for your living room. Secure glass from a big picture frame onto your luggage rack by using permanent adhesive. This will give you a beautiful table at no cost.
If you are working on your own kitchen remodel project involving laying brick, make sure you use brick ties in sufficient quantity. Brick ties are metal clips used to anchor bricks to the wall structure (wood studs or what have you) behind them. Many do-it-yourself types are seduced by the apparent sturdiness of bricks and fail to realize that they must be secured to the wall via brick ties.
It can cost a lot to replace the whole floor with tile, carpet or wood. You can add a stain to your concrete foundation to save money. The look is modern and industrial, and the color possibilities are nearly endless.
If you love art, don’t keep it hidden in the house. Weatherproof canvas and aluminum is made to withstand rain, sun, heat, and freezing temperatures, and many online dealers like art.com have entire sections of outdoor artwork. This allows you to extend your artistic atmosphere beyond the front door of your home and makes a great statement.
We have a home which is over 100 years old and updating it has been an ongoing process over the past five years. We have a new dining room, two new bathrooms and half of a new kitchen. Recently, my husband installed four new windows and put new siding on half of the house. I can’t wait for the whole thing to be done!